Serija prati ženu koja je primorana da živi kao konkubina pod fundamentalističkom teokratskom diktaturom u bliskoj budućnosti u totalitarnom Galadu, nekadašnjim Sjedinjenim Državama, gde žene nemaju nikakva prava. Adaptacija novele Margaret Atvud, „Sluškinjina priča“ je priča o životu u distopiji Galada, totalitalrnom društvu u nekadašnjim Sjedinjenim Državama. Galadom, suočenim sa ekološkom katastrofom i naglim smanjenjem nataliteta, vlada fundamentalizam i militarizam koji želi da „vrati tradicionalne vrednosti“. Kao jedna od nekoliko preostalih plodnih žena, Fredova (Elizabet Mos) je Sluškinja u Komandantovom domaćinstvu i deo je kaste žena primoranih na seksualno ropstvo, što je poslednji očajnički pokušaj da se obnovi populacija. U ovom zastrašujućem društvu, Fredova mora da balansira između Komandanata, njihovih okrutnih Supruga, služavki koje se zovu Marta, i drugih Sluškinja – gde svako može da bude špijun Galada – samo sa jednim ciljem: da preživi i pronađe ćerku koja joj je oduzeta. EP. 1 Fredova, jedna od nekolicine žena poznatih kao Sluškinje u tiranskoj Republici Galad, bori se da preživi kao reproduktivni surogat za moćnog Komandanta i njegovu ozlojeđenu suprugu.
Offred, one the few fertile women known as Handmaids in the oppressive Republic of Gilead, struggles to survive as a reproductive surrogate for a powerful Commander and his resentful wife.
Birth Day
Offred and her fellow Handmaids assist with the delivery of Janine’s baby, prompting Offred to recall her own daughter’s birth. Offred draws closer to Ofglen while dreading a secret meeting with the Commander.
Offred visits Janine’s baby with Serena Joy and remembers the early days of the revolution before Gilead. Ofglen faces a difficult challenge.
Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum
Punished by Serena Joy, Offred begins to unravel and reflects on her time with Moira at the Red Center. A complication during the Ceremony threatens Offred’s survival with the Commander and Serena Joy.
Serena Joy makes Offred a surprising proposition. Offred remembers the unconventional beginnings of her relationship with her husband.
A Woman's Place
A Mexican Ambassador visiting Gilead questions Offred about her life as a Handmaid. Serena Joy reflects on her marriage and the role she once played in Gilead’s inception.
The Other Side
Remembering her family’s treacherous escape attempt, a shocking revelation from life before Gilead provides a new perspective on Offred’s life.
The Commander surprises Offred with a secret adventure in Gilead. Nick’s troubled past leads to his recruitment by the Sons of Jacob.
The Bridge
Offred embarks on a dangerous mission for the resistance. Janine moves to a new posting. Serena Joy suspects the Commander’s infidelity.
Serena Joy confronts Offred and the Commander. Offred struggles with a complicated, life-changing revelation. The Handmaids face a brutal decision.